The AB Communication Program (formerly AB Mass Communication) is a four-year degree course administered under the College of Arts and Sciences of Cagayan State University Carig Campus, the only Communication Degree offered in the Province of Cagayan. The program has a generalist curriculum that covers Journalism, Broadcasting, Development Communication, Creative Production and Performing Arts, Integrated Marketing, the New Media, Communication Planning and Management, including Participatory Communication and Disaster, Risk and Humanitarian Communication. These professional courses are designed to meet the demands and trends of the industry, the media institutions, the government, and the society at large.. The AB Comm Curriculum is reflective of the VMGO through the many academic and practical opportunities it offers to its students in developing them to be skilled, responsible, liberally educated and ethical media practitioners, making them valuable citizens of the nation. The Curriculum offers a combination of theories and practice through a unique merging of major subjects in Broadcasting, Journalism, and other communication related fields which create more job opportunities for students upon graduation. Course requirements allow them to explore the world using their own creativity, innovativeness, resourcefulness, and managerial skills. On the job training, applied project and production subjects are provided for field exposure and practice.